OPNsense – Transparent Caching Filtering Proxy with Virus Scanning – Step 5 OPNsense Category Filtering

This is a pretty long guide, even before I added images, so it is broken it into sections. I hope it is easy to follow; if you find any errors, please Contact us!

Step 5 – Adding Filtering

You can refer to this guide as well. Here we add proxy scanning to filter by category.

  1. In OPNsense, go to Services->Web Proxy->Administration, click Remote Access Control Lists.
  2.  Click the + button at the bottom right.
  3. Enter the following information:
    Filename = UT1
    URL = ftp://ftp.ut-capitole.fr/pub/reseau/cache/squidguard_contrib/blacklists.tar.gz
    Description = UT1 web filter
    NOTE: Categories are filled in on the image; however you will not yet have categories – you will add them below.

  4. Click Save Changes
  5. Click Download ACLs and wait for it to complete (a few minutes)
  6. Now edit the UT1 entry you created. Clear the list of categories by clicking Clear All. Then type in those you want to add back. I personally like the below. Note to hit Enter after typing each one so it boxes it up. Also note publicite is ads:
    adult dangerous_materail gambling games hacking malware phishing publicite social_networks warez

  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. Click Download ACLs & Apply.
  9. If you entered adult as a category, you can attempt to access a site like playboy from a Proxied PC and it should be blocked.

This completes Step 5

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